Free Software: VLC Media Player
Following my recommendations, here's a media player (both video and audio): VLC Media Player .
But of these there is already a lot? It is true, and many may be conformed to the classic Windows Media Player or you have taken a step forward with the excellent BS Player (very superior in many respects to Microsoft).
The particular skill that has VLC is able to view incomplete AVI files. In fact, when I lowered it, I thought that this was their primary function.
guess that the vast majority of those who take pleasure in the broadband Internet you will make use of P2P tools for exchanging video material, whether on the eDonkey2000 network (eMule, eDonkey, Overnet, Shareaza, etc) or Bit Torrent (Bit Torrent, Azureus, etc.). Even one will continue using Kazaa ...
Anyway, we all know that there are many files under a false name bandied about, or even real shock, however, do not reach the image quality and / or sound we need. It's a real fucking download anything from 700 megabytes to discover that not what we wanted.
In these cases it is essential to a file previewer. Which is neither more nor less than a player able to read fragments of video downloads, long before they are completed.
Until recently I had been using AviPreview. Getting playing movies or series, provided that at least we have the first and the last fragment. If they were missing, there was nothing to do.
However, VLC Media Player can read anything. If you've only downloaded 100 kbytes in the middle of the file, will also get you out the corresponding image (because it is only a snapshot frozen). It's amazing the power you have. I managed to see bits of files that AviPreview or smelled.
Of course, you will have to wait for the read head reaches the bit, or try to find it moving and leaving the head in the approximate point where calculáis is.
The most important is that hits its maximum power only gets to preview AVI files. With the MPG / MPEG much more incomplete failure: at most, only you can hear the sound.
But still, is an essential program, you are already taking longer to download:
Kisses and / or hugs (delete or switch the name to " de.pamela.anderson.avi "as appropriate)
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