Sunday November 19, 2006
Listening: Sara - Boa Kwon
Mood: Disapointed
I do not know why I feel I've been a fool, I've been carried away by the illusions silly me blush made by these useless dreams robbed me smile. Why are we with things, I was a fool to believe anything could be beautiful and romantic when cupid strikes only for those who are worth ... not for this crazy dreamer who tries to live what he writes.
"Romanticism cheap" as it says Sae. Only that I have completed my daily life.
I know it sounds pathetic, but no, this is just a lament to the loneliness that I must have the companion ... at least, as a romantic partner. Now I got exaggerated
These months I have written, drawn, thought, dreamed, lived every moment towards the idea that someone was interested in me. Not like the girl classmate or notes or cooking rich, if not for the girl I am ... I thought
all I've been through, being used, being deceived, as the discarded rag all the sun shine at last. No matter if it was not so romantic, I needed the illusion that fed my esteem ... god knows how I need That. However
I've spent over a week waiting to hear from that person, saying "quiet, may have been forgotten or is busy" I never believed that there was never any intention of actually using.
I'm not sad, because there is no reason to be, but I am disappointed. I'm with him, with my luck, my destiny and me for being so stupid. How could I even think that those smiles were special, or that our talks were important. The hugs were just courtesy, but I believe in them.
For a moment I thought my life would be like Momo-chan, who bakayasu bakayasu and Toji would better not talk xD (BTW, I will not make the page, if you want to say to help you or katia I recommend a co-race, but I will not. I know your intentions).
Baka, baka, baka, bakayasu! Je
I re lasted little girl forces ready to do anything, but when fate sends you the phone calls from your ex (puaj!) instead of who really wanted to hear, because things change. Anyway ...
The past week was titled nii-san My friend Kako-chan (katita!!). We spent all day Wednesday ordering and decorating the place where dinner would be held. Inflate 100 balloons between them, we did about 17 index cards with decorative caps and everything. I hurt my fingers, my left hand and I was ultra tired ... but everything was beautiful. The dinner was very nice, the kids were ultra happy with the decor and had a good time. It was a beautiful moment, I really congratulate both (nii-san and his friend
All this got me thinking about my thesis project in my degree, that within two years and will be a designer and I can hardly understand it yet.
Uff ... lack little, very little.
So that, my child is sick kako (I hope it improves), Bakayasu is gone and my course has become a group of damn selfish ... yeah right!. It's become that much, pq long ago and they were (métanse trip where they see fit, anniversary gástense money as they choose, tómenselo especially if you like, but do not ask me again if I'm running for jobs or if I can lend my notes. lost all me.) Advertisement
Come and see my updates Ficctionpress.
I leave the links to what I have uploaded.
A Night
oh! and pass through tb
n_n PS: damn cris-kun !!!!!! Those things he did to p-chan are not>. \u0026lt;
Pd2: p-chan
Pd3: Again , the interface will not ask me, I will not work with you, pq if you think that seeing my photos in the kako photoblog-chan and telling me I am beautiful, does not mean I'm ready to receive you with open arms. You were a real jerk to me, do not think that things are forgotten in a little over three months.
I'm not as dumb as you think I am.
PD4: Not'll be here forever ... I will never be.
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