seems to have come of my time "favorites" of the year: The period in which everything breaks down. Let's recap:
"The car (this is a classic) is making me a strange noise at idle. As if nasal. If a bike I'd bet on the clutch, but in the case of a four wheel ... viz.
-The router. It's not really that has been damaged, is ... may never have been fine. The problem is that I have not been found but now when I had the opportunity. Not synchronized with the ADSL central when the Wanadoo modem that I have saved here do immediately. I have left to do a couple of tests, but I fear that 45 euros just fly away ... me and missed me that things had worked so well on eBay ... "My connection
RTB Wanadoo. Getting worse. Fortunately, the ADSL is in the offing: Monday 22 and had DSLAM sync. It just takes Jazztel tells me a fucking a user and password (do not think it's so complicated, I say ... I have a week with nonsense).
"My scanner. This is what gives me most pain: an excellent SCSI Hewlett Packard was accompanying me since 1998. It is the computer peripheral that has lasted longer than me by far. But now, color scanning, produces a yellow band (you can see in the pictures of my previous post). That sounds like fucking CCD sensors and complicated solution.
-Studies. The bastards of the academy to which I subscribe (Adams) I want to charge 270 euros (!!!!) for a renewal of six months, when I remember I have read, to contract the service, the price of this operation was 60 or 70 euros. Anda, if any competition, I would send him to where the back loses its noble name.
"It took a few days to download the 260 megs of Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, and it is the English version, incompatible with mine in Castilian (XD). The truth is that this is a story intranscendental because what I have installed Windows XP but do not use. And again, get out the Service Pack 2 do it primarily to keep the busy and that I was not cut (something common in RTB). Hala, another 260 megawatts in the queue.
And on top will start la época navideña. Para terminar de rematar la cosa.
Bueno, entre tanto contratiempo, los felices hallazgos alegran la existencia. Llevaba tiempo buscando un tratado ortográfico que despejara mis dudas acerca de la acentuación de diptongos e hiatos. Aunque sospechaba que en la página de la RAE tenía que existir una cosa así, no me había puesto a buscarlo por pura desidia:
Ortografía de la lengua castellana
Es un archivo PDF de 63 páginas y 1.3 MB que con mucho gusto imprimiría e introduciría --usando cierto orificio posterior-- en todos ésos que escriben "XQ" en vez de "porque". A ver si de esa manera se les pegaba algo, aunque out by osmosis ...
Kisses and / or hugs (delete or write "vesotes" and "habrazos" as appropriate).
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