If there is anyone out there who still follows me know a numerical title as this post involves decorating a new chapter of my biography in installments. And possibly the most difficult to write, certainly.
Since I carry this series, I had many doubts about the tone you should give. Realistically or relaxed? I finally decided that you had enough already with your daily miseries for you foisted above mine, so the general trend will be to go over the gory facts.
But that means time to face my primary and narrate a way that is entertaining, as was the period she has been hatching all weakness, grief, phobias and mental disorders has the
Anyway. A bad day, my mother thought Madrid was too dangerous and unhealthy for the development of a child (which was not strong misguided, truth be told), so the three of us packed up and moved forty-five miles north, specifically to a population of about a thousand people call Talamanca de Jarama , but from now on call pueblomierda .
I do not want to dwell on the negative more than the minimum necessary. Let's say for most of the eight courses which consisted of EGB (primary school), I was one of the classic children-target receiving ridicule from others when they have nothing better to do. And occasionally, physical violence (although this was not enough, fortunately).
This stage was part of my personality, fortunately, not all. For starters, I had to learn much later to relate to people, because most of my childhood was spent refuge with (the outside world was synonymous with hostility). Even at thirteen I had no courage to approach a stranger or walking down the street without looking at soil and submissive attitude, fearful that some enemy appeared turning a corner.
also marked deficiencies subsequently have always crept into my love-sex relationships. At the tender age of six years, and with the precocity that I characterized my earlier era, would find his home to a girl named Noel to go together to school. Custom which was used by my colleagues ones to add an additional source of bullying and crush length with the subject. My young mind associated with "going out with girls" with "jokes", so I did not Noelia house ... or closer to any other girl in the next twenty years.
There were also positive things, of course. Apart from a warm refuge, my house was a niche culture. He had a huge shelf full of books to read (my parents have always been lovers of lyrics) and the world all the time, so I spent my childhood acquired varied knowledge. I recognize that in those early years I threw it most informative to the novel had a weakness especially noticeable in zoology, both present and past (dinosaurs and other stupid,). I am also passionate about the automotive world: it could describe the technical characteristics of any car in Europe of time.
When I got bored of the material home, went to my second home, which was the local library (look like the typical introverted child recibepalos of Stephen King novels ). They woke up my taste for comics. At home I had enough material available to me English (suitable for my age Ibáñez, Escobar, Vázquez, etc.), But could not compare to the variety and abundance of the library, where I began to appreciate European artists such as Hergé or partner Uderzo / Goscinny . I swallowed several times the entire collection of Tintin Asterix and Lucky Luke, in addition to the long stories Mortadelo and Philemon.
The next logical step would have been the American and European comic something more adult, but then woke my true geek side: the computer, which sided my less unhealthy fondness for the eighth art. It's a much longer history, but broadly speaking, what started with some innocent bundles of computers that I bought my father ("My Computer") ended up degenerating into the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k in 1985 arrived at my home. And I fully absorbed, both at programming (that blessed BASIC with all veterans developers current began to make his first steps) and in the game. And is that few machines have been squeezed as much as the Spectrum for playing games of yore. I had a friend who was getting - I never knew how - all the latest news of the day so piratilla, so he was my eMule particular.
Interestingly, many years later it was also the cause of the computer to leave the manganime, but that's another story and deserves to be told another time.
would truthfully say that he had no friend. From time to time with other gang was so marginal beings like me and they all studied outside pueblomierda came to weekends and summers. The truth is that as children we were, we share many days and nights of playing computer games and run around the quiet streets of the aldeilla.
My school day was not a dish that will taste with pleasure (there were my colleagues to embitter existence), but did not prevent my school record was unblemished, except in the last grade of primary school (by then, the "eighth ") that my score dropped to" remarkable "(that's a 7 / 8 of 10). Except for the gym, approved without studying most subjects fatal thing that came later in high school: it was not used to drive the elbows .
Although not exactly a happy childhood, I had a hard no. As the blind man who has never seen the light, I was not aware of what I was missing. Until he reached high school, the change of scenery, and my life turned hundred eighty degrees. Then I realized that until then had been vegetating, who had squandered much of the best of life.
But this and be part of the next installment, I promise more fun. It's been the worst.
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